Dave James’ Return to Eldorado, Episode 4

Return to Eldorado, Episode 4
Return to Eldorado Episode 4: Interview with Framboise Gommendy
Framboise is familiar to Eldorado fans as Isabelle Leduc. Married to the owner of the tennis club, but never faithful and always up to something – find out in this interview how Framboise enjoyed the character and her thoughts on playing this iconic soap role.
Prior to Eldorado, Framboise was an established actress in France. In this interview with Dave James she speaks openly and candidly about how the show’s early cancellation affected her life, and what she’s been doing in the 25 years since.
Dave says “I was a little nervous about interviewing Framboise, having watched her in Eldorado I was worried she may be hard work like her character! I needn’t have worried, she is charming and fun and great to talk to. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did”.
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Return to Eldorado. A 25th Anniversary Celebration from 93.6 Global Radio
Return to Eldorado with Dave James on 93.6 Global Radio. A 25th anniversary celebration of Eldorado, the BBC’s ‘Soap in the Sun’ , set right here on the Costa del Sol. Dave takes us back to Los Barcos, remembering Marcus, Trish, Pilar, Blair, Joy, Gwen and the rest of the wonderful cast of Eldorado, a fondly remembered, ‘lost’ soap.
Do you have fond memories of Eldorado? Leave a Facebook comment below!