Useful & Emergency Telephone Numbers. We hope you’ll never need them, but just in case, put a few of these in your phone. You never know!

Useful and Emergency Telephone Numbers, Coata del Sol – 936 Global Radio
Useful & Emergency Telephone Numbers
Most of the national and many of the local numbers will speak English, but will probably answer the phone in Spanish – we are in Spain, after all. If the person answers in Spanish, just say “Hablas Ingles, por favor?” (‘Ab-las Ing-lez, por favor’). If you are in an emergency, please try to keep calm, they are there to help you.
Coronavirus Helpline
Mijas council have set up an emergency hotline for non-Spanish speakers during the coronavirus crisis.
- 660 300 086
National Phone Numbers
- Ambulance: 061
- Fire: 080
- General Emergencies: 112
- Local Police: 092
- National Police: 091
- Guardia Civil: 062
Medical and Hospital Numbers
- Carlos Haya Hospital, Malaga: 951 02 01 00
- Civil Hospital, Malaga: 951 03 03 00
- Costa del Sol Hospital, Marbella: 952 10 21 12
- Medical Centre Mijas Pueblo: 952 59 05 13
- Medical Centre Las Lagunas: 951 06 22 47
- Medical Centre La Cala de Mijas: 952 49 21 50
Fire, Water and Electricty
- Fire: 952 58 63 82
- Water / Electricity: 952 54 06 62
Local Police Etc. Numbers
- Local Police: 952 19 70 97
- Local Police 24 Hour Help Desk: 952 46 08 08
- Civil Protection: 952 58 46 33
- Guardia Civil: 952 47 40 30