Medieval Market, Fuengirola

For several years now, the Sohail Castle in Fuengirola has been the perfect venue for the local Medieval Market, offering all kinds of products and activities that invite visitors to travel back in time to the Spain of bards, guilds and traditional food.

There are workshops showing how bakers, toy makers, jewellers, tanners or carpenters worked back in the Middle Ages, before the development of their industries, exciting activities like archery, donkey rides, storytelling, children’s games or street plays, and alluring characters like witches, fortune-tellers, men walking on stilts, jugglers and people wearing period costumes. A full world for children and grown-ups to enjoy themselves.

Location: Sohail Castle, Fuengirola

Dates: 22nd to 26th Sugust

Medieval Market, Fuengirola
Author: GlobalRadio

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