Some Eldorado Faces you May Remember
There was a headline in a British newspaper in 1992 which claimed that there were more people in Eldorado than actually watching Eldorado! Below are some of the BBC cast photos, we’ve not managed to collect them all though. If you have any to share with us, please email them to
- Allan Hindle
- Drew Lockhead
- Joy Slater
- Javier Fernandez
- Gwen Lockhead
- Maria Fernandez
- Rosario Fernandez
- Bunny Charlson
- Philippe Leduc
- Per Svendsen
- Olive King
- Arnaud Leduc
- Lene Svendsen
- Roberto Fernandez
- Rosemary Webb
- Freddie
- Ingrid
- Abuela
- Blair Lockhead
- Dieter Schultz
- Stanley Webb
- Gavin Hindle
- Pilar Moreno
- Marcus Tandy
- Nessa Lockhead
- Snowy White
- Trish Valentine
- Isabelle Leduc
- Gerry
- Episode 1 – The Eldorado Set Today
- Episode 2 – Interview With Iker
- More Episodes Coming Soon
- A Brief History of Eldorado
- The Cast