Dave James’ “Return to Eldorado, Episode 2”
Iker Ibanez is a Spanish actor who starred in Eldorado and is now known as Iker Ortiz De Zarate. Iker has been speaking to Dave James about his time working for the BBC in the sunshine. In this video, you’ll hear Iker talking about life on the set, his love of his colleagues at the time including Roland Curram, Sandra Sandri, and Stella Maris, he speaks about his favourite scenes (which you will see in the video), and life after Eldorado.

One of Iker’s recent publicity shots
Return to Eldorado Episode 2: Interview with Iker Javier
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A recent promo picture of Iker

Here are some of the projects Iker has been involved with.
Return to Eldorado. A 25th Anniversary Celebration from 93.6 Global Radio
Return to Eldorado with Dave James on 93.6 Global Radio. A 25th anniversary celebration of Eldorado, the BBC’s ‘Soap in the Sun’ , set right here on the Costa del Sol. Dave takes us back to Los Barcos, remembering Marcus, Trish, Pilar, Blair, Joy, Gwen and the rest of the wonderful cast of Eldorado, a fondly remembered, ‘lost’ soap.
Do you have fond memories of Eldorado? Leave a Facebook comment below!