Smoking Could Be Banned In Andalucia

Smoking Could Be Banned In Andalucia.  The regional government are discussing a ban on smoking in public places where social distancing is not possible.

Smoking Could Be Banned In Andalucia

Smoking Could Be Banned In Andalucia

The regional government in Andalucia are discussing a ban on smoking in public places, where social distancing is not possible.  This measure has already been implemented in Galicia, and could soon be adopted here.  The ban would include public streets, and terraces where a two metre separation between customers isn’t possible.

The Galician President announced the move yesterday, saying “Several members of the clinical committee agreed that smoking without any limitation, whether on a terrace, with close people, or in areas with a large influx of citizens, without any physical safety distance, is a high risk of contamination, of infection ”.

Smoking And Vaping Increase The Risk Of Contagion

Such a law in Andalucia would be unpopular with smokers and restaurant owners.  However, a document prepared by the Public Health Commission last month reported that “smoking and vaping increase the risk of contagion of the coronavirus: when exhaling the smoke, the smoker throws droplets to the companions , in addition to that when handling the mask you have a greater risk of contagion.”


Unpopular Measure For Smokers

Dr. Fernandez Villar is a professor of medicine at USC.  He says “We know it is an unpopular measure for smokers . They will have to travel a few meters to separate themselves from their environment. And that in the world of hospitality it may not look good, because perhaps there are people who if they cannot smoke comfortably on the terrace will not go, but I believe that we are in an exceptional context, with a disease that we do not know how it will behave in autumn and winter, and any reasonable, well-argued measure that protects public health, we should applaud it”.

The Junta De Andalucia are expected to reach a decision on the proposed smoking ban today.

Published: 13.08.2020

Written by Dave James

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Smoking Could Be Banned In Andalucia

Smoking Could Be Banned In Andalucia

Smoking Could Be Banned In Andalucia
Author: GlobalRadio

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